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Art Strollers

Ivana is artistic director of Art Strollers, a classical concert series for babies and toddlers held bi-monthly at Drake Hotel in Toronto. She is currently working on writing an opera for children titled Little Fire, which will premier in 2021.

For more info and tickets visit www.artstrollers.ca


New show Linden City is presently in the works. Ivana is collaborating with other artists in creation of this sci/fi theatre play with music.

“A real theatrical experience shakes the calm of the senses, liberates the compressed unconscious and drives towards a kind of potential revolt…” Antonin Artaud. Mandated by the Manifesto, Theatre Artaud is a Toronto based avant-garde troupe producing outrageous shows and featuring provoking new plays. Ivana has burnt artistic fires with this troupe as an actress and composer in several shows, including Blood + Soil (2019), Rage Against the Inferno (2018) and Grab ‘Em by the Pussy or How to Stop Worrying & Love the Bomb (2017).

For news about the upcoming shows go to www.theatreartaud.com


Ivana supports the new (and old) music by writing about new releases for Canadian music magazine, TheWholeNote.

Visit her author page here: www.thewholenote.com/index.php/about-us/aboutus/our-authors/14:ivana-popovic

Short Stories

The adventurous spirit of the imagination without bounds is enfolded in Ivana’s science fiction writing. Stay tuned for upcoming stories.